Maravan 2024 Permit

We’ve been running around in the background sorting out the relevant paperwork for everything, all the permissions are in place and insurance has been sorted for the Maravan Weekend, on 23 and 24 November 2024.
It’s 10 years since the first running of the event, and it’s gone from an idea in someone’s head after a few drinks at Thunder Run to a well-loved and well established fun local event known to the people of Northern Lincolnshire and beyond by a single word.
We’re like Madonna or Pele in that regard!
This year we’re giving half marathon runners that chance to double up as well, with a half on *both* days as well as a full marathon, and the team relay, and as a result we’ve upped the entry limit on the permit to 300 people over the weekend.
We’ll probably be going with Zerowaste again for medals, but we’ve still got confirmations and deposits to pay, so it’d be super if you’re planning on entering if you could get in early, as if we’re going big I need to be able to confirm some important stuff now.
Entries via Event Entry.