The Maravan will be run under an ARC Multi-Terrain permit. Permit number 20/300
Pleased to confirm that once again, we’ll be running under a permit issued by the Association of Running Clubs, which gives £10million of liability insurance and assures you that the organisation of the event meets certain guaranteed standards.
It is therefore absolutely acceptable for the majority of multi-marathon clubs, including the UK 100 Marathon Club.
The seventh-annual running of the Vigilantes Maravan…
…will be on the weekend of the 21st and 22nd November 2020.
Unfortunately, after five years of keeping entry price rises to a minimum by simply changing event entry and payment solutions to keep processing fees down (apart from including the processing fee in the actual entry price, I’ve not had a price rise since 2014), I will reluctantly have to increase entry fees next year.
This is due to the increased “predictable” costs of the event. The event will once again next year have full medical cover and the electronic timing solution. The medics were called out five times this year, and I’m not prepared to gamble with your health!
The Maravan has never made a profit, never intended to, it’s a labour of love that I set up every year just for the fun of it, but this year the added costs of the medical support – which was unbelievably valuable and I wouldn’t hesitate in getting again – has resulted in a teeny tiny loss!
I still think that thirty quid is a tipping point, though, so how about £28 Affiliated/£30 Unaffiliated. Effectively its a £2 per runner insurance policy!
I’ll keep these prices until 1 August, when I have to order medals, then it’ll go up to £32/£34. It helps everyone if they can get entries in early. And don’t forget, I virtually sold out by August this year!
£40 per team, a tenner per person, which I’m absolutely capping at 25 teams this year. If there are still team places available on 1 August when the medal order goes in, then they’ll be £45.
And how could I forget the half? How’s £22 aff./£24 unaff. until 1 August and £25/£27 after?
Not sure I can say fairer than that. It’s not a big commercial enterprise, running a professional event. Just a bloke with a wife and two kids and a soaking wet gazebo in his garage.
Expect entries to open in a week. I’m taking a week off now!