Maravan 2023 will be run under an Association of Running Clubs permit, which gives £10,000,000 of liability insurance and guarantees you certain standards in the organisation of the event.
Basically, it’s an official event!
Maravan 2023 will be run under an Association of Running Clubs permit, which gives £10,000,000 of liability insurance and guarantees you certain standards in the organisation of the event.
Basically, it’s an official event!
Vigilantes Maravan holds associate membership of the Association of Running Clubs. This allows us to hold officially recognised events, and gives us a nice big wodge of insurance which protects us all.
It’s an annual membership, and it needs to be renewed every year in April, so it’s up for renewal right now.
Thanks to our ARC permits, all our marathon-distance events are recognised by the various clubs and groups that like to count these sorts of things, the 100 Marathon Club and the Marathon Globetrotters just happen to be two that Darren is a member of.
I’ll get the money sent off for the ARC membership and the permit this week, and then from that point on, it’s all systems go, as the council and both landowners need to see evidence of this insurance policy.
So, as the first cost now hits the ledger, and conscious that we’re just into a new month, it would be really handy, if you’re thinking about entering, if you could get in now.
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