Marabank 2024 results



There was a slight technical hitch with Saturday’s results because Darren hadn’t set up the category distances before the event. This was resolved for Sunday, so Sunday’s results were available immediately after the race.

Saturday should now also be correct. Please let us know if not. Lap times are a bit approximate, though. If there’s anything glaringly wrong, please get in touch.

I have the raw data files for these two events if anyone needs a copy for any reason.

I’ve initiated contact with the CRT with a view to returning at the same time next year, but until then, we’ve got a slightly different variety of fun and games in Cleethorpes in November and we’d love to see you there…

Underfoot conditions this weekend

We’re very grateful to Mike Wells, who has run a recce of the course this morning.

Lincolnshire’s a bit wet at the minute, and down on the fields in the flatlands there’s a lot of standing water.

Canals are useful things, though, and the banks of this canal are quite high.

Wet underfoot, but bearing up well, as these photos would attest.

The bottom two photos are the area where we were planning on having the aid station – a little bit squelchier, but nothing we can’t work with.

If it were me running, I’d wear road shoes, although probably not the ones I’ve still got sitting in a box in my wardrobe.

Thanks Mike, see you Saturday.

Proposed medal design for Marabank.

They’re working quickly there at Zerowaste medals!

They’ve sent me a proposed medal design, which I love! There’s a bit of artistic licence there – you can see the cathedral from the course, of course – it was the tallest structure the world had ever seen for a few hundred years – but it’s not that close!

The remit was “Lincoln” and “canal”, though, and I think it captures that perfectly.

Medal for Maravan 2024

Some good news about Marabank medals

Because we’ve had a flurry of late entries, we’ve managed to secure enough to get a bespoke medals order in, so assuming that I have got enough lead time to be able to get the design approved, you’ll all be having a bespoke, sustainable wooden medal from Zero Waste Medals, who’ve worked with various race organisers over the years.

We’ll share the design with you once we’ve signed it off!

I’ll therefore have to cap entries at exactly 75 over the whole weekend.

That means there are 11 places left for anyone who fancies a go at running anything between 3.8 and infinity miles alongside the beautiful Foss Dyke canal.

We’ll be taking good care of you!

So, I’ve got the van booked. I’m buying food over the next couple of weeks.

Most importantly, though, is that I’m delighted to announce that Norma has cleared her diary to join us all on the Foss Dyke at the end of the month.

As a result, I’ve booked a comfier van!

There are a handful of places left now, if anyone still fancies it. Run anywhere between 3.8 and infinity miles in a seven hour window for Norma’s hospitality, and a goody bag with probably some chocolate, some crisps and a medal with a mobile home on it.

Most importantly, if you’re chasing numbers for a marathon club, we’ve got two events on the same weekend, to get you two closer to that much coveted vest…