I’ve just found a new timing solution that should make things a lot easier moving forwards. It’s tablet based, generates results files automatically and uploads, real-time apparently – to the cloud.
Getting timing right on the day is one of the hardest things I have to do, given the small team that I have working with me every year. Sue always does a fantastic job, but hopefully this should relieve the pressure on both of us.
I’ve paid for it – it was only £40 – out of my own pocket this year to see if I can use it, but it will require me to get the start lists into a specific format to work on the tablet. It’s going to mean that I can’t chop and change entries now, because once I’ve uploaded, I’ve uploaded.
If I’ve emailed you recently to facilitate a swap, then that can go ahead, but any more after this will be administratively very difficult.
I’ve got almost everything, now. Just got to get event-day food and drink and we’re ready to go.
I’ll send an email to everyone who is registered before the event with final instructions.