Course looking good

Just done a preliminary course inspection before next weekend. I’ve made a habit of it since I got to the park one Friday to find a gate had been removed and replaced with a fence.


I’ve found a new gate on the course, but it’s actually quite a welcome addition, as it’s in a location that occasionally meant people missed a turn and I had nowhere nearby to put a sign.

New gate on the course
This new gate can be kept open.

The course is signposted now, hoping local toughs don’t remove them between now and next week. If you’re running a recce this week be aware that there’s no signage between this point through the fitties until you get back on the Haven park, as it’s a heritage conservation area and I don’t like to put signage up there until he eve of the event.


I’ll put the finishing touches to event instructions and try to get them out tomorrow.

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