Plenty of Relay places still available, but the half is now full!

I always feel conscious when I’m quietly working away in the background that I should be chatting to you more, but this is a busy time of year for me both away from the Maravan and in the throes of organising so many people’s favourite running event.

I’ve still got lots of places available for teams of 4 in the relay on Saturday this year, which has surprised me because usually they fill up really quickly.
This is good news if you still want to enter the relay, but bad news for me, as I have a waiting list for Half Marathon entries now. At some point I’ll need to decide if I can afford to have places unsold if there are other folk wanting in!

(I love the relay, but it is actually the most costly part of the weekend to put on.)

I’ve paid for all the medals, reconfirmed the toilets and the medical, and I’ve got the money for the timing and race numbers sitting in the event bank account ready and waiting for me to confirm final figures. This year’s fixed costs are pretty much covered, but as usual, it would help me if I could get entries in nice and early so I can relax a little and not have to batter my personal credit card to pay for the things that need paying in advance.

Remember, this event happens each year for the love of putting it on, it’s never made a profit in seven years, whatever extra it costs me is my gift to the running community because I love you all!

Thanks, of course, are due to AM Electrical for their support this year, without whom I’d be struggling this year. Things are different for everyone, as is our event, but I hope that we’ll still have a whale of a time in November.
See you all soon!

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