Roll-up, roll-up

Afternoon folks.

I’m in a meeting this evening about the ABP half marathon organised by our friends at Tape2Tape next weekend, so thoughts as always turn towards our own fun and games in November.

We’ve got just over 30 people joining us for the Maravan at the moment, which is a decent number, but ideally I’d like more. I will have to order medals soon – if I’m going to need to order some – but I’m going to have to base the order on the number of entries on the books at that time. So if you want to be 100% certain of getting a decent medal, you need to enter sooner rather than later.

We’re really keen to have some more teams join us as well. Right now there’s a really strong change for any team in the race to win their category, and it’s the most fun part of the weekend for me, so the more the merrier would be ideal.

Remember, also, that we’ve got a half marathon both days this year, so there’s fun for everyone for the whole weekend.

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